Tuesday, July 20, 2004

Number One Gun in Chico

Hey everybody, I just found out that Chico's own Number One Gun will be in Chico on Sunday August 1st.
Well... here:
Sunday, August 1
Senator Theater
517 Main Street Chico, CA
w/ Mourning September & Yellow Second
$8 adv. $10 door
For those of you who have ever been to a NOG show you know that it's worth it. So... I'm going and you better go too. Ha! So there!
For info on NOG simply click the title of this Post.
Any questions, call me, 530-864-2151

1 comment:

Lesa said...

Hey Chris--I can give you the html code to put links in the sidebar, if you would like it. :) Just let me know! Email or something, futuregovlesa@hotmail.com